The Beauty Products Sage & Salt’s Founder Uses to the Last Drop

The Beauty Products Sage & Salt’s Founder Uses to the Last Drop

Original Article

Because Corbin Chamberlin knew that, at times, the fashion industry can be “awash with toxic vibes,” he took it upon himself to change that with his crystals and wellness brand, Sage & Salt. After spending time as an editor for the likes of the New York Times, the Financial Times, Vogue, and more, “I faced my ups and downs, especially as a plus-size person,” Chamberlin explains. “I saw where there was a need for items that conjure good energy on demand throughout the day,” he says.

This lifestyle has always been a part of Chamberlin’s life. “I grew up in a witchy household,” he says of his childhood in Gilbert, Arizona. In other words, crystals, grounding, and full-moon gazing were regular activities throughout his childhood. “My journey to confidence is ongoing,” he explains. “I really had to look inward and eliminate people and circumstances that weren’t bringing the best out of me. I meditate every morning and set the intention of what I want from myself and life — this has been a tremendously helpful practice in my confidence.”

And when he’s not busy writing for major magazines or gearing up for a new Sage & Salt launch, he’s running the show over at the Lux Cut — an editorial site curating conversations about the objects and experiences that keep people inspired. Chamberlin started this endeavor after being sick in the hospital with COVID. “I thought about all the things I wanted to accomplish when I got out. I always loved the idea of starting my own outlet, but never had the nerve. I was so over pitching snobby editors, chasing down $10 (sarcasm, kind of?) checks and people not getting my vision,” he says. “I wanted a place to show my obsessions and tell the stories of creatives.”

And with juggling a lot comes the knowing of how important it is to make time for yourself. For Chamberlin, that appears in the form of meditation and double-cleansing. “Beauty and wellness are magic,” he says of his approach. “It’s about transformation inside and out. I know personally as a larger person that you might have limited options for clothes, but to wear a beautiful scent or your favorite lipstick is truly a kind of ritual anyone can partake in.”


Corbin’s A.M. Routine

5:23: I double-cleanse, first with Manyo Factory Pure Cleansing Oil and 
